II Annual Meeting on 3D printed medicines, tissues and microfluidics

Are you ready to explore the cutting-edge advancements shaping the future of healthcare and biotechnology using 3D printing? Join us for the II Annual Meeting on 3D Printed Medicines, Tissues, and Microfluidics, where innovation meets inspiration on the 17th October 2024 at the Pluridisciplinar Institute at the Complutense University of Madrid. Submit your abstract for Oral Communication until the 1st October 2024.

We are happy to anounce that we are organising the First European Conference on 3D Printed Medicines, Tissues and Microfluidics!

The registration is free as the Universidad Complutense is funding the conference organization. Join us at the School of Pharmacy on the October 20 to meet the keynote speakers in the field and present your research in the Fire Studnet’s Session. Also, you can join the meeting online, https://meet.google.com/rda-vfau-fhp. For more info, click on the link below.

OPEN Science is just here!

See the new webinar series developed by our team on multiple topics linked to 3D printing of medicines and medical devices. Contact us if you want more info!

Do you want to learn how to print medicines? This is your course! Have a look: https://eventos.ucm.es/96784/detail/taller-practico-de-elaboracion-de-medicamentos-mediante-impresion-3d.html

Excellent workshop from Prof. Marcia Dalastra and Prof. Felipe Passero from Sao Paolo University and Universidade Estadual Paulista. Thank you to share your expertise on Leishmania infection with us!

Galenicus Group Madrid is awarded by the Universidad Complutense for its Entrepreneurial capacity and team work! One step closer to bring to the market innovative personalised medicines!

DEMODAY en la Complutense junto con BPW-Spain! Solas invisibles, juntas invencibles!

Despegamos con los Proyectos de Emprendimiento en nuestro DemoDay! Si tienes curiosidad, espíritu emprendedor y te interesa como se puede mejorar la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos, aquí te esperamos!

Este año en la semana de la Ciencia nos hemos comprometido con difundir el conocimiento y también con alentar a futuros farmacéuticos a que encuentren su camino al terminar el grado. Esta ha sido una de las múltiples actividades que Galenicus ha organizado como equipo.

Gracias al Instituto de la Mujer, vamos a organizar el 11 de marzo en el Salón de Actos de la Facultad de CC. Químicas de la UCM un simposio muy especial para romper la brecha de género en I+D+i y estimular a mujeres científicas y emprendedoras a unirse al reto, ¿te apuntas?

Galenicus Group Madrid goes on the Newspaper! Delivering 3D printed medicines in Dominican Republic. We are really grateful to UTESA University for the great week we have shared with all of their staff members and students!

We thank Universidad Complutense de Madrid to give us funding to run this course on 3D printing of Medicines in Dominican Republic to bring these novel technologies all around the world!

Getting polypills using our direct powder extrusion 3D printer.

Happy to that our work on Market Demands in 3D Printing Pharmaceuticals Products has been awarded with the Premio Investigación - Salud digital - en Medicina Personaliza y de Precision by the Universidad Complutense of Madrid and Fundación Instituto Roche.


Our project “Pulmonate” has been awarded with the III Premio de Emprendimiento Social. We are really thankful to UCM- Santander for the opportunity given to be part of the Incuba-UCM Programme. We are implementing a novel microencapsulation technology to deliver better medicines for pulmonary diseases that affect over 400 million people around the globe. Infectious diseases are one of our main targeted areas.


Participating in the “Semana de la Ciencia” 2020


We are highly engaged in the Week of the Science activities organised by UCM in 2020. We are running three activities focus on Entrepreneurship, Science and New Technologies (06/11/2020), Women in STEM in the post-Covid (07/11/2020) and Pharmacy career development (13/11/2020). Book your online seat!

Participating in The Santander X Entrepreneurship Educator’s Programme


We got the 3rd Place for “Excellence in Strategy Impact” to develop a Pharma Accelerator Programme within the Pharma Madrid Ecosystem and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid- Coming soon


Fighting the Covid-19

After two intense days participating in the Hackathon Madrid, these have been the innovative ideas submitted by Galenicus Group Madrid, we hope they come true and patients benefit from them!

GLOVID-19: Long-lasting antiseptic gel gloves

Can you imagine a protective personal glove easy to wear that can stop the transmission cycle of the virus?

Congratulations to Francis Luciano and Jose Cerda for being one step closer to develop a new PPE against COVID!



In this project an innovate app has been developed that will allow to stratify patients based on their symptoms and advise them accordingly to avoid saturation of health care centers.

KILLING COVID-19 - Pulmonary drug delivery

We transform oral effective medicines against covid-19 into medicines administered by inhalation targeting the lung to enhance efficacy and reduce systemic toxicity…

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Latest news

What research are we doing?

Our main areas of research can be divided in the following ones: I) 3D printing of medicines including solid dosage forms, parenteral implants, microneedles for topical application and microfluidic chips to engineer nanomedicines; ii) Advanced manufacturing of medicines to treat infectious diseases, such as liposomes, transferosomes, polymeric nanoparticles, microparticles for lung targeting and, in general, formulations for neglected diseases, iii) Research on pharmaceutical development applying QbD and DOE including cocrystals, coamorphous solid dispersions and continuous manufacturing and iv) in silico models to do accelerated drug stability predictions and mutivariate analysis.


Innovation Through Research Collaboration

Currenlty, we have several ongoing research collaborations but we are open to new ones!

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Contact us at: drserran@ucm.es or visit us in the School of Pharmacy at UCM

Interested in collaborate?
